Divali, Rama and Sita



  • Suitable for:
    • - KS1
    • - KS2
  • Compatible with:
    • - Microsoft PowerPoint

Download this 21-slide PowerPoint about Divali which takes place in late October to early November. This colourful, informative resource will help children to find out how the Hindu and Sikh religions believe that  the symbol of light is ‘goodness’, light overcomes darkness and darkness is evil.  Discover how Hindus celebrate their Divali, retell the story of the Ramayana and look at images of Divali lights and lamps and compare to the Sikh Divali celebrations of Guru Har Gobuind’s release from prison with 52 kings and princes.  A great resource to share as you explain how different religions celebrate festivals of light.

  • Divali PowerPoint (21 slides)
  • Story of Rama and Sita (3x A4 pages)