World can be a Worrying Place



  • Suitable for:
    • - KS1
    • - KS2
    • - KS3
  • Compatible with:
    • - Microsoft PowerPoint

Download this 20 slide ‘The World can be a Worrying Place’ to help children come to terms with their anxieties and worries and learn ways to help them feel less worried and calmer.  This PowerPoint will help children understand that feeling worried, or anxious, is a normal feeling that everyone will experience at some time in their lives.  It explains that people react differently when they are worried; some feel sad and cry, some angry and some people find it hard to breathe and may feel sick.  Discuss how children might worry about things on TV, in the news, on the internet, images and social media, about illness or people dying and worries about the corona virus.

Explain how when people feel worried or anxious their bodies can change – getting them ready for fight or flight.  Talk about what we can do to help ourselves if we feel this way – make a worry monster, prepare for sleep, stay calm, be more positive, cope if you feel angry, control your breathing, train your mind, use your senses and make your own toolkit.   Children will be able to make their own ‘Calm Down Plan’ using the framework in this resource.

A tried and tested PowerPoint for your children as they return to school after an extended time at home, or have worried and anxieties about the many things in life that trouble people.

This product can be used in school, or uploaded to your learning platform or school website.


1 x 20 slide 'The World can be a Worrying Place' PowerPoint (MS PowerPoint)