What is a Sustainable School? Primary INSET



  • Suitable for:
    • - KS1
    • - KS2
  • Compatible with:
    • - Microsoft PowerPoint

Download this 31-Slide PowerPoint to use for an INSET on sustainability with staff. This is a great resource that will help teachers and staff to understand what sustainability means, how sustainability impacts on teaching & learning in schools, what needs to be done to reach government targets and it will also support you as you acquire practical ideas of how to make your school sustainable. This PowerPoint defines sustainability and sustainable living and gives guidance for the 3 C’s recommended by the government (Care for oneself; health & well being Care for each other;across cultures, distances & generations, Care: for the environment; locally & globally). In addition it demonstrates how Curriculum, Campus and Community are divided into the key objectives and targets for 2010 to 2020 and how these are partitioned into the DCFS 8 doorways. Finally the PowerPoint gives prompts for a school audit and mind maps for each of the 8 doorways. A great time saving PowerPoint on an important school issue!

1 x 31 slide What is a Sustainable School? Primary INSET PowerPoint (MS PowerPoint)