Mental Health First Aid Information Leaflet for Parents



  • Suitable for:
    • - KS1
    • - KS2
    • - KS3
  • Compatible with:
    • - Microsoft Word

Download this 4 page Mental Health First Aid Information Leaflet for Parents.  The leaflet can be edited so that it explains that the aim of your school ‘Mental Health First Aid’ work is to help any child, or young person who is experiencing a mental health, or emotional well-being problem, before professional help is obtained.  It also explains that your staff are not trained therapists, however will try their best to help parents recognise the symptoms of mental health problems, and support them by providing some initial help and by sign-posting children and young people and their families to appropriate professional help.  This leaflet is not intended to replace the support and guidance a school and its staff offer, but to assist your staff in signposting parents where appropriate.

This leaflet will assist you explain how children and young people can access support and where they can go for professional help.

1 x 4 A4 pages Mental Health First Aid Information Leaflet for Parents