Welcome to my School
- Suitable for:
- - KS1
- - KS2
- - KS3
- Compatible with:
- - Microsoft PowerPoint
Download this 16 slide ‘Welcome to my School’ PowerPoint to help children understand how important it is to make everyone welcome in our school. Ask children if they remember their first day at school? How did they feel? What do they remember? Ask for 20 children to volunteer to demonstrate how feeling different can make us feel sad, embarrassed or anxious. Encourage children to imagine they are the odd one out, think about what they would like people to do to make them feel welcome and how we have to sometimes make decisions to behave in the right way. Set the children a challenge – to consider …
- Can you think of a time when you felt the odd-one-out?
- Can you think of a time you felt lonely or sad?
- Did anyone help you in that situation?
- How did they help you? How did that make you feel?
The PowerPoint concludes with a challenge and a prayer. A tried and tested ‘back to school’ PowerPoint that will save you time!
1 x 16 slide 'Welcome to my School' PowerPoint (MS PowerPoint)
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